(May 22, 2016 at 2:59 pm)Janice_Spokes Wrote: I was just wondering, about the atheist opinion on retards.
From what I have heard, atheists do not care for retards or people with disabilities generally.
I know this because many of the babies in the wombs of non-believing women end up being aborted just for being retarded. Why do you think you see so few mongoloids anymore? Its because doctors can now take a picture of a womans womb and know if the baby is a mongoloid or not. If it is, it sadly ends up getting chopped up.
I don't understand that impulse. I believe everyone is worthy of love and affection even if they are different.
What do you think about retards and are they worthwhile people?
Today is Sunday, why aren't you in church? Or are you posting this from a church pew? People like you are partly why I decided I'm an atheist. Hypocrisy and a judgmental attitude not to mention ad hominem arguments and talking in circles won't win any atheist over to theism.