Too many people too casually dismiss the gender pay gap. The Gender Pay gap is a real problem, like it or not. And it's one we need to deal with. We're not going to go away on it, and we absolutely shouldn't. Just like men aren't going to go away on men getting harsher prison sentences than women, and they shouldn't. One could, of course, just as casually dismiss that issue as well. But it shouldn't be so casually dismissed, just as the gender pay gap should not be so casually dismissed.
There are preconceived gender biases that cause things like harsher sentencing for men, and lower pay for women. Those same biases also present themselves in any number of issues that face both men and women. To so casually dismiss any of them is to do your own gender, as well as the opposite gender a great disservice.
There are preconceived gender biases that cause things like harsher sentencing for men, and lower pay for women. Those same biases also present themselves in any number of issues that face both men and women. To so casually dismiss any of them is to do your own gender, as well as the opposite gender a great disservice.
The whole tone of Church teaching in regard to woman is, to the last degree, contemptuous and degrading. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton