(May 26, 2016 at 3:58 pm)drfuzzy Wrote: Just wanted to say I'm still here and lurking. Original poster had to step back and just read for a while. Good discussion, folks - thanks! - who would'a thought that responses to a simple news article would get up to 8 pages? Who would'a thought that a statement like "Women typically earn more than men in 7 of the professions out of those 446" would create a heated debate? Wow.
What I have learned: yes, research into the subject needs to be more in depth. It needs to point to a variety of causes for this disparity, and then present suggestions for correcting discriminatory practices where they are found.
Now, back to reading . . . thanks everybody.
I think this video by John Green is pretty much in line with what you're saying:
By the way, one thing I have personally noticed is that it's often always men who won't accept that the pay gap could be due to discrimination.