Quote:Hilary's accepted millions from the Saudis?
The best that fucktards like Reince Priebus and Carly Fiorina could do was cite the Clinton Foundation. What does the foundation do?
- Clinton Development Initiative staff in Africa train rural farmers and help them get access to seeds, equipment and markets for their crops.
- Clinton Climate Initiative staff help governments in Africa and the Caribbean region with reforestation efforts, and in island nations to help develop renewable energy projects.
- Staff at the Clinton Health Access Initiative, an independent, affiliated entity, work in dozens of nations to lower the cost of HIV/AIDS medicine, scale up pediatric AIDS treatment and promote treatment of diarrhea through life-saving Zinc/ORS treatment.
- Clinton Health Matters staff work with local governments and businesses in the United States to develop wellness and physical activity plans.
If the Clintons have gotten the fucking Saudis to contribute to that instead of building mosques and supporting terrorists then good for them What the fuck has Drumpf ever done?