If somebody wants me to accept something as true that I am sceptical about the way to do so is by providing proof or evidence or failing this logic or reason. Anything else is not acceptable
And an argument from emotion might be true but I would still require something else to confirm it. I have a very simple methodology when it comes to assessing truth claims. If they can be
validated I accept them. If they cannot be validated I reject them. If they can / cannot be validated I keep an open mind. Though sometimes I will accept or reject a truth claim on the basis
of probability but never on emotion alone. However as I am human and so therefore fallible I cannot afford to be complacent. No one is immune from it and so for me it is an eternal work in
progress. The easiest person to fool is yourself and so even if you are naturally inclined to be more logical than emotional you are still susceptible to confirmation bias or subjective reasoning
And an argument from emotion might be true but I would still require something else to confirm it. I have a very simple methodology when it comes to assessing truth claims. If they can be
validated I accept them. If they cannot be validated I reject them. If they can / cannot be validated I keep an open mind. Though sometimes I will accept or reject a truth claim on the basis
of probability but never on emotion alone. However as I am human and so therefore fallible I cannot afford to be complacent. No one is immune from it and so for me it is an eternal work in
progress. The easiest person to fool is yourself and so even if you are naturally inclined to be more logical than emotional you are still susceptible to confirmation bias or subjective reasoning