(June 29, 2016 at 7:11 pm)Rhythm Wrote: 60% of our gun problem isn;t gun violence at all. It's suicide. The other 40% centers around a shitty set of laws we enacted, and was entirely predictable. We'd done it before...and the same thing happened. There's no point in talking about the gun violence we have when you can't even account for what it is, Brian. You won't even -talk- about it..and it's clear that our gun problem and your gun problem aren't the same thing at all.
In that segment that is violent, care to guess how much of it is "assault weapons"? OFC it's all -already- illegal.....but that's splitting hairs I suppose? I feel like the only place this can go is to suggest that a problem created by laws, and then compounded by shitty laws which fail to address it..is to write even shittier laws that -still- don't address it.
You'll have to excuse me for lacking confidence in your nanny state dreams.....what with the bangup job they've been doing thusfar.
Yes it is. I am sick and tired of this bullshit.
It is utter hypocrisy. If you claim the laws are shitty, fine, then don't obstruct those trying to improve them. If you claim it is the mentally ill, then don't obstruct those trying to prevent the mentally ill from getting them. If you claim it is the "terrorists" don't cherry pick the religion and don't obstruct those trying to prevent the wrong people from getting them.
You cant have it both ways, you cant rightfully say we should keep them out of the wrong hands, then scream when others want to do just that.
Our laws ARE Swiss Cheese, I agree. We have no national consistency and we lack the funding to enforce those laws because of one party cutting budgets that could give us the resources to vet people better.
NOBODY NOBODY NOBODY ........ Let me repeat....... NOBODY, as a vast majority on the left, wants to ban every single gun. That is a myth and a fucking lie. All we want on the left is to prevent the wrong people from getting them, and yes, certain types and big clips. And if the gun owner doesn't want that false perception you claim we have, then you also should value keeping them out of the wrong hands too. But what I see isn't that value, what I see is far too many on the right, a very small majority of gun owners, holding everyone else hostage.
If you would pull your head out of the sand, you could see that there is nothing to be paranoid about. If you would stop buying into the NRA fear mongering you'd see what we see and you'd want what we want, and you would find that their bullshit "slippery slope" propaganda, is just that.
Gun safety advocates are NOT delusional. We are not trying to foster a fascist state. We simply are fed up with the flooded market and volume of gun violence. But as it stands now, we are not on the left going to continue to put up with one party and one profit lobby holding the nation hostage. Whatever the NRA started out as, is not what it is today. And I have personal friends who grew up with guns and still like guns who agree with me that the NRA is full of shit and is protecting our climate of gun violence for one reason, and one reason only, to protect the profits of the gun factories.
No more. Now either work with the left, or get out of the way, but one party and one lobby do not get to dictate our laws.