Are you even reading my posts? Lying is not the only option.
Fact: people constantly lie, cheat, steal, defraud, and are otherwise untruthful for all manner of reasons.
Fact: people are fallible, and are easily fooled, tricked, conned, deceived and manipulated
Fact: people make up stories, and have made up hundreds of myths and legends and religions over thousands of years.
Fact: we can't meet the people who wrote the NT. We don't know much about them. We can't say for sure who they were. We can't confirm their testimony.
Fact: no one alive today witnessed any of these alleged miracles. We can't see for ourselves, we can't speak to anyone who did.
Fact: the Bible has been edited over the last 2000 years with different bits added and subtracted.
Fact: we have no confirmed accounts of miracles taking place, and for every report of a miracle there are better, simpler explanations for what happened or was reported.
Fact: people can hulucinate for a number of reasons
Fact: some people are just crazy and make shit up
And what's worse for your argument:
Fact: even if Jesus could perform what appeared to be miracles, it doesn't prove he was the son of a God, or they his teachings were moral. It could have been Derren Brown style magic, it could have been aliens, they could have had food poisoning or been on drugs, they could just be gullible hippies.
Bottom line - there insufficient evidence in favour and ample explanation for alternative happenings.
Fact: people constantly lie, cheat, steal, defraud, and are otherwise untruthful for all manner of reasons.
Fact: people are fallible, and are easily fooled, tricked, conned, deceived and manipulated
Fact: people make up stories, and have made up hundreds of myths and legends and religions over thousands of years.
Fact: we can't meet the people who wrote the NT. We don't know much about them. We can't say for sure who they were. We can't confirm their testimony.
Fact: no one alive today witnessed any of these alleged miracles. We can't see for ourselves, we can't speak to anyone who did.
Fact: the Bible has been edited over the last 2000 years with different bits added and subtracted.
Fact: we have no confirmed accounts of miracles taking place, and for every report of a miracle there are better, simpler explanations for what happened or was reported.
Fact: people can hulucinate for a number of reasons
Fact: some people are just crazy and make shit up
And what's worse for your argument:
Fact: even if Jesus could perform what appeared to be miracles, it doesn't prove he was the son of a God, or they his teachings were moral. It could have been Derren Brown style magic, it could have been aliens, they could have had food poisoning or been on drugs, they could just be gullible hippies.
Bottom line - there insufficient evidence in favour and ample explanation for alternative happenings.