(May 4, 2011 at 9:41 am)Wormhole199 Wrote: In all 5 versions of String Theory there are 10 dimensions:
There haven't been 5 versions of string theory for WELL OVER A DECADE! It was discovered that all 5 theories were different ways of describing the same thing, and that when they considered 11 dimensions rather than 10 the theories all converged on the same answers - That is why we now have M-THEORY.
Quote: "Time" plus the usual three spatial dimensions x,y,z (4 dimensions, our heaven) plus six extra spatial dimensions making a total of ten dimensions (1 time + 9 spatial = 10 dimensions).
And you're STILL 1 short.
Quote:Other competing theories like M-Theory has one extra spatial dimension (making the total 11 dimensions
You really don't know shit about physics do you?
M-Theory is NOT a competing theory, it is the AMALGAMATION of the previous 5 'string theories'.
"In the mid 1990s a unification of all previous superstring theories, called M-theory, was proposed, which asserted that strings are really 1-dimensional slices of a 2-dimensional membrane vibrating in 11-dimensional spacetime."
Quote:however this extra spatial dimension is for the description of strings themselves (whether a string is a one-dimensional object like a thread, or whether a string is a rolled up two-dimensional membrane like a tube).
All strings are 1 dimensional....
Oh, and you have 2 dimensional tubes now?

Quote:In any case, in all currently competing theories, this Dark Matter is strings vibrating in six extra spatial dimensions. The invisible six superimposed heavens in the Quran are the six extra spatial dimensions in modern physics.
No... Dark Matter are most likely WIMPS, normal matter particles that barely interact with other matter, as such they are called 'Dark' because they do not contribute to the electromagnetic spectrum and cannot be "seen".
Quote:[Quran 55.31] We [Allah] will settle your affair, both you of weight (man and jinn)
The Jinn have weight means that we can detect their gravity and they can detect our gravity. We are in the lowest heaven, Angels are in the seventh, and Satan (Jinn) is in one heaven in-between. However all seven heavens are superimposed. We do not see them, we do not collide with them but we can detect their gravity.
I am stunned by how stupid that is - You take some extremely ambiguous passage from the Quran saying that Man and Jinn have weight and use this to infer that Satan lives in a dimension "in between" ours and that of the angels and that we can detect his gravitational influence, and that is dark matter.
How retarded do you have to make yourself in order to feel justified in believing this crap? It's startling.