Quote:I'm not going to parse it for you. If you can't see the explicit racism in that statement, you've got bigger problems than I can help you with.
If their ancestors hadn't been brought here, they would have remained in Africa. They had no money and no desire to earn money- they were extreme naturalists, living off the land as they had done for thousands of years. It was a beautiful, symbiotic relationship.
If it hadn't been for the slavers, they would have probably remained with their tribe or group, married (if they do) and had children, who, odds are, would remain there, and so on. They had no reason to leave, they lived free and communed with nature in a way I personally can only dream of.
But today, Africa is a mess. Aids, Ebola, lots of nasty diseases just decimating the population.
So odds are very good that what I said would occur.
That is not a racist statement, and I am most definitely not a racist person.
Things are a lot more like they used to be, than they are now.