Quote:There is a Rolfer in my hometown who advertises that Rolfing brings "a sense of integration and well being." The ad even quotes an M.D. who says: "Rolfing works. Not only can it dramatically change people's bodies. It can transform their lives as well." Rolfing, according to the advertisement, has "evolved into a gentle deep muscle balancing process that structurally aligns your body." (The word 'gentle' is boldfaced in the ad.) He also claims that after ten sessions there are long-term results, which include "Physical and Emotional Flexibility" and "A Sense of Integration and Well Being."
Rolfing, Buddhist meditation, Christian worship, Hindu ritual -- it's all the same. Everybody feels themselves to be on the right path. You aren't special because your meditation makes you feel special. You're just a twat who doesn't realize how insignificant his personal feelings are in the matter. That's why we rely on evidence, because feelings are a fool's guide. And you don't have squat for evidence of the effectiveness of Yoga, of reincarnation, of karma, of Sarkar's authenticity. But you disregard these simple truths because you're overwhelmed by your 'feelings'.