I struggled with scrupulosity for most of my time as a believing Mormon. I had OCD in other ways, like washing my hands and checking locks, but scrupulosity was the worst of it for me. I could prove to myself that the door was locked and that I didn't need to check it again, or that washing my hands for 20 seconds was as effective as washing for 20 minutes, but I could never prove to myself that I didn't commit a sin. My scrupulosity finally went away when I left Mormonism.
If you have OCD, the book "Brain Lock" by Jeffery Schwartz is very effective. Scrupulosity is harder, but I hear that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy works for it. John Dehlin, a Mormon psychologist, has done some interesting research with scrupulosity.
If you have OCD, the book "Brain Lock" by Jeffery Schwartz is very effective. Scrupulosity is harder, but I hear that Acceptance and Commitment Therapy works for it. John Dehlin, a Mormon psychologist, has done some interesting research with scrupulosity.