Not everything because some of it doesn't apply to hillbillies but yes I agree. I just wanted it cleared of rednecks, plus it is kinda like I can talk shit about my brother and you can't. Rednecks are the good twin and hillbillies are the evil. As a redneck I can call my racist cousins hillbillies because I know them. I would never just say someone was a hillbilly without having spoke to them, ya kinda just presume they are rednecks until they open their mouth and racist, close minded, marry your sister shit comes out that they get labeled hillbilly. Similar to how white people aren't trailer trash (aka white trash) just because they live in a trailer, their personality determines if they are.
“What screws us up the most in life is the picture in our head of what it's supposed to be.”
Also if your signature makes my scrolling mess up "you're tacky and I hate you."
Also if your signature makes my scrolling mess up "you're tacky and I hate you."