JK guys, jk...
I just need help thinking through this latest issue going through my head. I'd appreciate all thoughts but if your response is, "you were just indoctrinated" please know that I already have been considering that...
I'm fucking pissed about Trump winning yesterday. I do not get how stupid the media was reporting the polling and basically missing Trump by a mile. I can't believe that the FBI released such a stupid letter that definitely assisted Trump. I can't believe that this human blow horn of shit was able to lie, demagogue, and abuse with his vulgar speech and then avoids shitting on the floor for 1 week before the election and he wins! I want to be clear, this wasn't just me hating Trump. I am enrolling into a state college and Hillary had a plan that would make it debt free for me. I have a homeless meth addicted brother with severe mental illness and Hillary had a plan to combat that. And I could go on.
Then I remember this prophecy in Daniel chapter 2. Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of an immense statue that is layered with different materials. Daniel interprets the dream to represent the kingdoms of the world that would stand in opposition to Jehovah. At the bottom is feet that are representing the final kingdom. The feet are a mixture of iron and clay. The iron represented the strength of the kingdom and the clay would represent the people, some footnotes further saying "the common people."
After 8 years of the economy being turned from 850k jobs lost a month to millions of added and a deficit cut in half, the nation had the choice of a safe 4 more years of that, or a fucking lunatic. And because Americans are the most conspiratorial citizens of a wealthy nation, they believed his brainwashing garbage. Donald's tax plan will add 10 trillion to the debt, his trade wars will cause a depression, and after the GOP repeals Obamacare an 8 year old with leukemia can get declined for insurance.
And this guys basic argument for why he is qualified is his business success? But for some reason he wouldn't release his tax returns? And the only tax return we did see showed him being for from a billionaire, maybe a negative billionaire ?
The only explanation is the common people were given more power than they could be trusted with. This election could literally shatter the United States position in the world power structure. That prophecy says that in the end the kingdom will be shattered by the kingdom of god. So, Am I just crazy for this issue? I just can't believe how closely that prophecy represents what democracy has turned into. Especially since when it was written, the writer could have no idea of a world where the common people could be expected to wield power of any kind.
Thanks for reading
There is a prophecy in Daniel chapter 2 and part of it is speaking of a kingdom that was represented by iron mixed with clay. And the scripture says that it was strength mixed with the common people. Is this nothing other than indoctrination nagging at me? Am I crazy to think that Donald Trump is going destroy Americas economy and place in the worlds power structure? And he only could have been elected by a majority of non-informed common people.
I just need help thinking through this latest issue going through my head. I'd appreciate all thoughts but if your response is, "you were just indoctrinated" please know that I already have been considering that...
I'm fucking pissed about Trump winning yesterday. I do not get how stupid the media was reporting the polling and basically missing Trump by a mile. I can't believe that the FBI released such a stupid letter that definitely assisted Trump. I can't believe that this human blow horn of shit was able to lie, demagogue, and abuse with his vulgar speech and then avoids shitting on the floor for 1 week before the election and he wins! I want to be clear, this wasn't just me hating Trump. I am enrolling into a state college and Hillary had a plan that would make it debt free for me. I have a homeless meth addicted brother with severe mental illness and Hillary had a plan to combat that. And I could go on.
Then I remember this prophecy in Daniel chapter 2. Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of an immense statue that is layered with different materials. Daniel interprets the dream to represent the kingdoms of the world that would stand in opposition to Jehovah. At the bottom is feet that are representing the final kingdom. The feet are a mixture of iron and clay. The iron represented the strength of the kingdom and the clay would represent the people, some footnotes further saying "the common people."
After 8 years of the economy being turned from 850k jobs lost a month to millions of added and a deficit cut in half, the nation had the choice of a safe 4 more years of that, or a fucking lunatic. And because Americans are the most conspiratorial citizens of a wealthy nation, they believed his brainwashing garbage. Donald's tax plan will add 10 trillion to the debt, his trade wars will cause a depression, and after the GOP repeals Obamacare an 8 year old with leukemia can get declined for insurance.
And this guys basic argument for why he is qualified is his business success? But for some reason he wouldn't release his tax returns? And the only tax return we did see showed him being for from a billionaire, maybe a negative billionaire ?
The only explanation is the common people were given more power than they could be trusted with. This election could literally shatter the United States position in the world power structure. That prophecy says that in the end the kingdom will be shattered by the kingdom of god. So, Am I just crazy for this issue? I just can't believe how closely that prophecy represents what democracy has turned into. Especially since when it was written, the writer could have no idea of a world where the common people could be expected to wield power of any kind.
Thanks for reading
There is a prophecy in Daniel chapter 2 and part of it is speaking of a kingdom that was represented by iron mixed with clay. And the scripture says that it was strength mixed with the common people. Is this nothing other than indoctrination nagging at me? Am I crazy to think that Donald Trump is going destroy Americas economy and place in the worlds power structure? And he only could have been elected by a majority of non-informed common people.