Religion will probably not diminish in the United States. This country is the most religious first world country in the world.
Republicans keep on trying to get prayer in school and other delusional rubbish to be passed through the Senate via assorted "freedom of religion bills", Congressmen still believe that the Second Coming is a reason to destroy the environment and to the theoretical hell with the consequences, studies show that 60+ percent of Americans said they would not vote for an atheist, and, to top it off, Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly and all the other extreme right fanatics
are preaching hate against anyone that dares to disagree with or do something contradictory to the views of them and their target audience.
Republicans keep on trying to get prayer in school and other delusional rubbish to be passed through the Senate via assorted "freedom of religion bills", Congressmen still believe that the Second Coming is a reason to destroy the environment and to the theoretical hell with the consequences, studies show that 60+ percent of Americans said they would not vote for an atheist, and, to top it off, Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly and all the other extreme right fanatics
are preaching hate against anyone that dares to disagree with or do something contradictory to the views of them and their target audience.