I know atheist may seem crumby, yet deep down I think they just want equal respect for their abilities in the area of the intellect and science and major religion they are negative Satan's helpers.
Actually I feel that atheist are playing a very important roll in this time of change as they are really puting a lot of heat on the bible and making people really question the truth it claims to hold!
Satan is just another fear tactic, I feel all so called "evil" only exists in the heart of man in their negitive emotions!
Can I suggest a book written in 1898 (I think) by Robert James Lees - Through the Mist. he worked on the jack the ripper case and said to know who it was. His mediumship skills were very refined, he could talk and see spirits as if they were real people right next to him, the spirit was sitting next to RJ Lees and telling him what to write. The main purpose this spirit had was to give mortals as clearer description of the spirit world that he could in mortal’s terms, the way it is explained is magnificent! From just before his death, how he died, what is was like as soon as he died and what lay there on!
Can I ask if you know anything about future earth changing events?
Have you been told anything about this?