Favorite book? I don't know... there are so many good ones.
Thought provoking
- Alex has already mentioned "Solaris", by Lem. How to communicate with an alien being so alien that any form of communication known to humans fails utterly?
- "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", by Milan Kundera. I listened to the audiobook... damn, when I got caught up in a thought the audio was already moving on! definitely work reading in text and taking a moment to think about what's been said before reading some more.
- I'm now burning through the Foundation series, by Isaac Asimov. Awesome idea!
- Dune is closely around in quality.
- The Believing Brain, by Michael Shermer. How our flawed brains operate to make us believe things.
- Os Maias, by Eça de Queirós. The classical story of unaware incest, set in the 19th century. Filled with lots of detailed descriptions of landscapes, houses, rooms...
Thought provoking
- Alex has already mentioned "Solaris", by Lem. How to communicate with an alien being so alien that any form of communication known to humans fails utterly?
- "The Unbearable Lightness of Being", by Milan Kundera. I listened to the audiobook... damn, when I got caught up in a thought the audio was already moving on! definitely work reading in text and taking a moment to think about what's been said before reading some more.
- I'm now burning through the Foundation series, by Isaac Asimov. Awesome idea!
- Dune is closely around in quality.
- The Believing Brain, by Michael Shermer. How our flawed brains operate to make us believe things.
- Os Maias, by Eça de Queirós. The classical story of unaware incest, set in the 19th century. Filled with lots of detailed descriptions of landscapes, houses, rooms...