Jesus only advised his followers to pray one prayer, which is not a request for anything aside from one's daily bread, forgiveness of sins, and strength in the face of temptation and of deliverance from evil. That aside, it is an affirmation of complete submission to his will.
Oh, there's also some stuff about Pharisees making a show of prayer in public and counsel for believers to pray in secret/private.
It may be a "nice" thing to tell someone you'll pray for them, but it doesn't seem to be in line with what Jesus counselled, it seems presumptuous, and it smacks of self-congratulations.
Oh, there's also some stuff about Pharisees making a show of prayer in public and counsel for believers to pray in secret/private.
It may be a "nice" thing to tell someone you'll pray for them, but it doesn't seem to be in line with what Jesus counselled, it seems presumptuous, and it smacks of self-congratulations.