White Guilt is like the doctrine of original sin, but for white people.
Some white people from a long time ago did bad things so all white people, regardless of whether they are descendants of those people (which shouldn't matter anyway), should feel a sense of remorse and be forced to atone for the acts of their ancestors (or non-ancestors) of the same race.
A white person today feeling guilty over such things makes about as much sense as a white person today feeling proud of the fact that white people invented the airplane, telephone, and radio; in other words, it makes no sense.
Some white people from a long time ago did bad things so all white people, regardless of whether they are descendants of those people (which shouldn't matter anyway), should feel a sense of remorse and be forced to atone for the acts of their ancestors (or non-ancestors) of the same race.
A white person today feeling guilty over such things makes about as much sense as a white person today feeling proud of the fact that white people invented the airplane, telephone, and radio; in other words, it makes no sense.