(January 12, 2017 at 11:16 am)Neo-Scholastic Wrote: Those who compare God to the tooth fairy are douchebags. I’m sorry but that is truly how I feel. Without even an ounce of shame they ridicule some of the best and brightest thinkers who take up a problem serious and came to serious conclusion. Kierkegaard, Hegel, Kant, Buber, Kripke, Plantinga, Newton, Leibnitz, Putman, and Godel are/were theists. That list doesn’t even include theologians, like David Bentley Hart, or physicists, like, Francis Collins or Max Planck. All brilliant.
Maybe you don’t realize this but it is possible to be an atheist without acting like an infantile little snark. It’s astonishing to me how such ass-wipes will disrespect the legacies of truly great men and women like Dr. King, Bonhoeffer, and Catherine Booth (founder of the Salvation Army) by pretending that their religious convictions did nothing to motivate and inspire them to change the world.
How can anyone seriously believe that the motivating force to build the very first hospitals is in any way comparable to believing in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus? Here in Chicago we have Mount Siani, Rush Presbyterian, Illinois Masonic, Loyola, Mercy, Saints Mary and Elizabeth, Saint Anthony...that’s just a start. They came to be because of religious convictions for which you have no respect.
To me there is no difference to the tooth fairy and god.
They are both, in my opinion, fictional characters who are believed by people other than me.
I am sure some really nice people have believed in god, but a hell of a lot of shitty ones have too, so I think that they did good works because they were good people.
The first hospitals were dedicated to the greek god asciepius by the way.
I have no respect for their religious convictions but do have respect for them and what they achieved.
You can fix ignorance, you can't fix stupid.
Tinkety Tonk and down with the Nazis.