Quote:God gives meaning to our lives by His very existence; with God existing, we have a chance at Eternal Life and Love, those are the Only things that give meaning to our otherwise pointless lives that end either in a hole in the ground or cremation oven.
There is no god but that doesn't mean that our lives are "pointless". If you need a reason then I say that we have an obligation to make our world a little better for the ones who come after us. We should be doing for our future generations what our previous generations did for us. I reached this conclusion before I was even aware that Dawkins pretty much said the same thing.
In any case I don't see an "Eternal Life" as any sort of reward even if it were possible. Imagine a trillion-million-bazillion years being an immeasurable, infinitesimally small amount of time compared to an eternity. That would be absolutely maddening! It would only sound appealing to anyone who has never seriously considered what eternity actually means...