(January 18, 2017 at 8:19 pm)Pulse Wrote: I knew the moral argument would turn to "How bad Christians were with their acts of violence, and how benevolent atheism is
and how it had nothing to do with Atheistic governments killing hundreds of millions, they did it for other reasons".
The issue is if Christians kill in Unjust wars they are acting AGAINST their religion.
If an Atheist leader believes there will be no consequences in the after-life for his atrocities, that he is just helping evolution
along by performing "natural selection", then yes that will be borne out in his acts, and it's illogical to believe that's not true.
As the 2007 atheist suicide-murderer Pekka-Eric Auvinen from Finland, said;
‘Today the process of natural selection is totally misguided. Modern human race has not only betrayed its ancestors, but the
future generations too.’ ‘It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on track!’
Anyway, back to my original post, why do so many of you who are atheists, disbelieve R. Dawkins who said good and evil
don't even exist, are you dissenting from this "great" atheist thinker??? Why is killing wrong for an atheist in view of the
teaching of the "greatest apostle of Atheism" in our time??? If you just say "Good and evil are constructs in our minds we choose to follow, even though they don't objectively
exist"; isn't that living a delusion???
Would you deny that Christianity has a moral imperative?
Is that a rooster I hear crowing?
If you proclaim yourself Christian, I expect you to adhere to its tenets. If you do not, how important, how imperative, are those tenets?
Let's go back to Square One: What do you think are the tenets of atheism?