(January 17, 2017 at 5:34 pm)Pulse Wrote: 1) R. Dawkins wrote the Universe has "no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference." Dawkins, R., River out of Eden, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London, p. 133, 1995.
Why do atheists constantly use words like religion is evil, atheism good, when these terms are meaningless in a Godless Universe?
Because it is perfectly all right for people to make value judgements. All value is subjective and need not ground itself in anything other than personal opinion.
Quote:2) If you were really an atheist, you would realize that we are ALL just rearranged pond scum and life is just a set of random Meaningless events in a random Meaningless Universe.
So as an atheist, why try so hard "Meaningfully" explaining that in this utterly Meaningless Universe there's no deity?
Because I don't see any credible evidence at all for deities. Not hard at all to point that out, actually.
Quote: a) Possible responses maybe; Religion is dangerous and threatens our survival; BUT in a Godless Universe, why is humanity's survival better than extinction? If humans nuke one another out of existence, what difference will that make to the Universe??
Because I *like* survival. I enjoy being alive. I don't give a rat's ass about meaning outside Myself.
Quote:3) Atheism; The Universe Caused itself, no First Cause needed; this requires blind faith and is counter-intuitive; very much the same as what atheists accuse religious people of, seems hypocritical doesn't it??
Not nearly as hypocritical as claiming a First Cause and then exempting your imaginary friend from having a cause.
Quote:4) The Big Bang Theory is Full of Fudge factors that are an embarrassment to Cosmologists many of whom admit the theory is popular because it is well funded, but how is that an objective search for truth?
Citation needed.
Quote: 5) Atheistic science these days is so Dogmatically wedded to Materialism, it cannot even begin to tell us what Consciousness is, the most basic principle of human existence. Doesn't it seem hypocritical that Atheism is so dogmatic?
There's nothing dogmatic about calling stupid beliefs stupid beliefs. Oh, and consciousness is an effect of the material brain. I believe that it is literally impossible for consciousness to endure without a functioning body, and that life after death is a particularly silly idea.
Quote: 6) And BTW atheism has led to some pretty strange philosophies, like that of the Church of Euthanasia; Save the Planet, Kill Yourself! How can Atheists counter such "logic"?
I don't have to counter it. I ignore it, as I don't belong to that particular cult. I'm a humanist.
Quote:As a Christian I have experienced that no Atheist on earth has any convincing arguments to these most basic questions which I believe only the Christian religion can answer. I'll be honest, believing in Atheism would be so much easier in life because you can do whatever you want and think there is no consequences, but Ahteism seems so incredibly counter intuitive, that to even begin to take it seriously, one has to suspend all logic.
I think Christianity is vile and that it's a particularly bad place to look for answers. Essentially you're in a human sacrifice cult that thinks it's a jolly good idea to let someone die in your place for merely being human, and you also seem to be fine with the idea of infinite punishment for finite crimes. That is seriously twisted and evil. There is *nothing* of any value in Christianity that cannot be found elsewhere in a more benign and useful form.
Quote:(Again please keep it friendly, Ive had too much abuse from atheists already just for asking simple questions..., and that just seems further proof to me Atheism is a delusion).
Oh, you've fucking earned that abuse. You want friendly? Try being friendly, rather than tossing words like "delusion" in the faces of people you don't even know.