Oh gawdz. When I was a silly Christian girl, I was one of the ministers in church, so I got to hang out with the important ones (aka, the most fanatical ones). We'd debate and fight about doctrine all the fucking time. This was our chance to show off who had read the most books and just how much of the Bible you could quote without looking it up. Lmao!!!
Now I'm a silly atheist woman and I hang out with nerds and I sit there as they debate games or politics while I think that this makes them hot. I swear the church caused a lot of damage
Now I'm a silly atheist woman and I hang out with nerds and I sit there as they debate games or politics while I think that this makes them hot. I swear the church caused a lot of damage

"Hipster is what happens when young hot people do what old ladies do." -Exian