(April 3, 2017 at 9:14 am)Little Rik Wrote:(April 2, 2017 at 7:33 pm)Little Rik Wrote:![]()
Your evidence!
Let us see this evidence yog.
I quote here from The Case Against Immortality, by Keith Augustine.
(F1) The evolution of species demonstrates that development of the brain obtains a corresponding mental development.
“First, phylogenetic evidence refers to the evolutionary relationship between the complexity of the brain and a species’ cognitive traits (Beyerstein 45). Corliss Lamont sums up this evidence: “We find that the greater the size of the brain and its cerebral cortex in relation to the animal body and the greater their complexity, the higher and more versatile the form of life” (Lamont 63).”
(F2) The same principle is demonstrated by brain growth in individual organisms.
“Secondly, the developmental evidence for mind-brain dependence is that mental abilities emerge with the development of the brain; failure in brain development prevents mental development (Beyerstein 45).
(F3) Brain damage destroys mental capacities.
“Third, clinical evidence consists of cases of brain damage that result from accidents, toxins, diseases, and malnutrition that often result in irreversible losses of mental functioning (45). If the mind could exist independently of the brain, why couldn’t the mind compensate for lost faculties when brain cells die after brain damage? (46).”
(F4) Experiments and measurements on the brain (EEG, stimulation of various areas) indicate a correspondence between brain activity and mental activity.
“Fourth, the strongest empirical evidence for mind-brain dependence is derived from experiments in neuroscience. Mental states are correlated with brain states; electrical or chemical stimulation of the human brain invokes perceptions, memories, desires, and other mental states (45).”
(F5) The effects of drugs show correspondence between brain activity and mental activity.
“Finally, the experiential evidence for mind-brain dependence consists of the effects of several different types of drugs which predictably affect mental states (45).”
And this garbage suppose to be evidence?
For Christ's sake yog you must be dreaming.![]()
But let us see what this guy say........
First he say.............“We find that the greater the size of the brain and its cerebral cortex in relation to the animal body and the greater their complexity, the higher and more versatile the form of life”........so far so good but this prove nothing whether the consciousness is or is not a product of the brain.
After he goes........the developmental evidence for mind-brain dependence is that mental abilities emerge with the development of the brain; failure in brain development prevents mental development........here the guy guess and guess.
In fact is the other way around.
It is the consciousness mind that determine brain development.
Again he goes........ Brain damage destroys mental capacities.
“Third, clinical evidence consists of cases of brain damage that result from accidents, toxins, diseases, and malnutrition that often result in irreversible losses of mental functioning (45). If the mind could exist independently of the brain, why couldn’t the mind compensate for lost faculties when brain cells die after brain damage? ........
Here the guy get lost in his guesses.
It is obvious that if you have an accident both brain and mind suffer.
The consciousness mind is stuck inside body-brain.
She can not leave her body-mind until death occur therefore she doesn't have any choice but suffer.
The same occur to you or me when we have an accident.
We are stuck inside your car so if the car get smashed we also get injured.
Here the guy think that if the mind is independent to the brain such a mind should be able to compensate
for lost faculties.
How stupid is he.![]()
He doesn't realize that the separation occur ONLY when the body-brain die not before.
Before the consciousness is stuck inside the brain and in this situation she got to suffer and suffer.
And more..........Experiments and measurements on the brain (EEG, stimulation of various areas) indicate a correspondence between brain activity and mental activity.
“Fourth, the strongest empirical evidence for mind-brain dependence is derived from experiments in neuroscience. Mental states are correlated with brain states; electrical or chemical stimulation of the human brain invokes perceptions, memories, desires, and other mental states (45).”.....
This is pretty obvious as the consciousness mind is stuck inside the brain.
And last...........The effects of drugs show correspondence between brain activity and mental activity.
“Finally, the experiential evidence for mind-brain dependence consists of the effects of several different types of drugs which predictably affect mental states.........
Nothing new in here.
Drugs force a chemical reaction in the brain and when the brain is affected also the consciousness is forced to put up with the crap and suffer.
Suffer and forced to open up creating a sense of temporary bliss at the expenses of course of damages
all over body-brain.
In other words this study not only show nothing but also bring a lot of guesses that are wrong.
Sorry dear but you failed once again.![]()
No evidence of whatsoever.
(April 3, 2017 at 12:45 am)surreptitious57 Wrote: NDE occurs while the body is still alive so cannot be used as evidence of consciousness surviving death. The clue is in the title : it is called Near Death Experience not Death Experience
Evidence of post death consciousness would have to be evidence as defined by the scientific method. That is something which is capable of observation by multiple observers [ so as to
eliminate bias ] and which can also be observed or replicated multiple times. And subject to potential falsification and peer review by professional scientists who specialise in a particular
field. Because that is what evidence actually is. It is not something that conveniently fits in with ones world view or belief system. This is not evidence but confirmation bias and the two
are not the same. And using the definition of evidence as defined by the scientific method there is none whatsoever that show that consciousness survives death [ permanent death and
not the so called death of NDE ] Because consciousness is a function of the brain and so when the brain dies [ permanent death ] it ceases to exist too as it cannot function without one
So you reckon that when your car goes to the dogs as a wreck you also stay inside the wreck in the scrap yard?
I guess you never thought about that, did you?
But don't you worry mate.
LR is here to help you to understand that the consciousness is immortal and never end up in the scrap yard.
And that is what Little Rik is.
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.