There is life after death, just not in the way you think. Our bodies decompose and become food for worms, which then live until they are eaten by, say, a bird which goes on to live until it dies, at which point it may become food for some other animal or else worms again. Or, if we're buried and put into the ground, we may become food for plants which grow in the dirt above us. I think it would be neat to be buried after I die under a mighty oak or some other tree that my body may live on in another way.
But that's not what you had in mind, is it?
I assume you are referring to some sort of conscious afterlife, of which there is absolutely no proof exists. But I think we need to apply Occam's Razor here. Which is more plausible, that when our brain dies it becomes the end of our consciousness and therefore no life after death, or some part of our body which has never been seen or discovered before somehow survives physical death and goes on to live for eternity retaining our consciousness and all our memories and yet even without a nervous system is somehow able to experience pain as well as all our emotions which up until death were just chemical processes in our brains?
But that's not what you had in mind, is it?
I assume you are referring to some sort of conscious afterlife, of which there is absolutely no proof exists. But I think we need to apply Occam's Razor here. Which is more plausible, that when our brain dies it becomes the end of our consciousness and therefore no life after death, or some part of our body which has never been seen or discovered before somehow survives physical death and goes on to live for eternity retaining our consciousness and all our memories and yet even without a nervous system is somehow able to experience pain as well as all our emotions which up until death were just chemical processes in our brains?
Christian apologetics is the art of rolling a dog turd in sugar and selling it as a donut.