RE: Is there any evidence we dont live on in some way after death
July 15, 2011 at 7:14 am
(This post was last modified: July 15, 2011 at 7:39 am by Napoléon.)
(July 15, 2011 at 4:23 am)xonage Wrote: Well, there are a couple things going on here. If atheism simply means a disbelief in a creator god, then should atheism have anything to say on other subjects?
Was atheism having a say on other subjects? Care to point them out? Didn't even realise atheism was able to speak, seen as it is just a point of view and all, and it's in fact the people who hold that view which may 'have a say on other subjects'. Atheism is not like religion, it doesn't cover a broad spectrum of questions. It generally only asserts one, and that is belief in a god. I think you get that a little mixed up.
xonage Wrote:If you want to talk about science, then the first thing to recognize is that 1., science, and scientific discoveries are infinite, 2. Evolution is infinite, and 3. it therefore follows that we dont really know shit about shit, and in 5 million years, if we live on and keep evolving we may find a lot of things to be reality that seem impossible now.
If YOU want to talk about science, then the first thing to recognize is that YOU don't know shit about how science works.
1. Why the fuck does this matter?
2. Why the fuck does this matter?
3. Non Sequitur. BTW what does shit have to do with any of this? I'm not sure I want to know much about shit, it seems like a pretty stinky subject but there we go.
And In 5 million years I hope evolution keeps dumb fucks like you outa the family tree.
xonage Wrote:So to say something isn't possible because we haven't yet understood it is* anti scientific. The only reasonable, honest answer to whether there is some form of existence after death is to simply say, "As of now we dont have enough evidence, but who knows, stranger things have happened, so I really dont know."
Again, you have no idea of how science works. We DO understand what happens after death. Just because you are an ignorant buffoon is no reason to start asserting that we don't. Seriously, the evidence is right there in front of your less than adequate brain. The very point of death is that life ceases. So tell me why it is fallacious to assert that "there is no life after death". Thus far you haven't given any reasoning as to WHY it is fallacious, other than to keep saying, "we don't have evidence". But we do. We know what happens when the body dies. If you cannot be bothered to even attempt understand, then it is your own shortcoming.
xonage Wrote:I made this thread because of another thread where the OP is convinced there is nothing after death, and he is trying to figure out how to accept it. What a waste of time. Until someone can prove that consciousness or life force is only the brain, then the mystery is unsolved.
It's a waste of time to try and come to terms with reality? Clearly this is a concept you have mastered.
Wait... Again? You again assert that we haven't proved that consciousness needs the brain? Get real. The mystery is well and truly fucking solved. You just wasn't involved with the investigation.
BTW can you define "life force". Thanks.
(July 15, 2011 at 5:08 am)xonage Wrote: We are all dumb, that's my point. You guys are just slightly less hairy apes, barely out of the woods yet. Humans are a badly evolved joke.
Speak for yourself there buddy. Humans have achieved some pretty amazing fucking accomplishments. I don't know of any other species that has visited the fucking moon. Do you?
Ignorant Moron Who Is Wasting Everyone's Time Wrote:Do you really think it matters what any of them think?
Any of who think? Us? Well yeah it does matter, to US. Seen as WE are the only creatures at this point in time bothered about the discoveries WE can make, then I'd think it entirely relevant what we as a collective species can accomplish.
Ignorant Moron Who Is Wasting Everyone's Time Wrote:No, the truth is, whether you are an atheist or a christian, you are still an idiot, grasping at straws of meaning and reality. And the vast universe, in all it's objectivity could probably care less about any of it, or maybe it does. Who knows. Certainly not any of you pretentious duchers. haha
Truth. Pretty telling. I like that for someone who is so insistant we don't know anything about anything (or shit about shit WTF), you seem to know exactly what is true?
I'll grant you, a lot of people on this planet probably don't give a shit about meaning or reality, or answering questions, and many of them probably don't have the brain capacity to do so. But to say we shouldn't bother at all in trying to understand the universe is in my opinion, the truest form of "idiocy".
It's been a pleasure reading your posts you 'ducher'