(April 30, 2017 at 4:36 pm)drfuzzy Wrote: I have a first cousin that I have never met. He lives in a southern state, is a farmer, a gun and hunting fanatic, and a Baptist preacher. We interact on Facebook occasionally.
I posted a list of school shootings since 2013 - just a list. The implication was that something needs to be done. He lost his freakin' mind. He said the numbers were wrong, they were inflated, blamed terrorists and Muslims and that this was all part of the liberal plot to take away everybody's guns (and maybe even bibles). I reminded him that I have guns and like target shooting. That this was not about taking away people's guns, but about keeping children safe. (Surely something a preacher would support.)
He kept ranting, and some of my friends got into the fray, and he didn't "talk" to me for weeks - when I posted some Anti-Trump meme that irritated him. I told him that he wasn't going to stop me from attacking Herr Gropenfuhrer Cheeto Hitler Dumbfuck, so maybe he should block my posts - better for his blood pressure. He sulked for a few more weeks.
He is absolutely surrounded by people that think like he does - the white christian males are absolutely under attack, the queers and libruls have already taken over, that the USA desperately needs to go back to a time when EVERYBODY went to church (protestant, of course) every Sunday and women didn't work outside of the home. He actually believes that he, as a white xtian male, would not be hired for most jobs in any large cities. (Well maybe, because he would insist on preaching and politicking at the top of his lungs all the time.) He thinks I'm an idiot because I believe that white xtian males still rule almost everything in the US of A. I'm kind of glad we have not met.
Inferior? Oh definitely. He sees a whole way of life disappearing and the "educated" heathen libruls making a lot more money and looking down on him. He's also envious but would never admit it. He's praying fervently for Jeebus to return and to slay all of the evildoers so he can watch and cheer and celebrate.
I've known many such people. It's an unhealthy and deeply unappealing mix of resentment, frustrated rage, bewilderment, and schadenfreude.