(May 4, 2017 at 11:10 am)c172 Wrote: I like her. I was sad to see Zeke go, and to see that Tai got any votes. I guess I still root for personalities I like.
I'm with you. I have a really hard time rooting for people I just don't like, regardless of what I think of their game play. Tai's in a pretty damn good spot if he can somehow avoid being blindsided and sent home with two idols in his pocket. I don't think his gameplay will earn him the win, but he's very likeable and you never know what aspects of the game the jury is going to value over the others.
I remember in the China season when James had two idols, the spot he was in was that he had three tribals left to survive where he could play an idol - so all he had to do was win one immunity and play an idol if he didn't. Naturally, he went home with both of them in his pocket on next tribal. What the actual fuck, James? I can see Tai making the same kind of mistake.