I'm not surprised by these types of headlines nor do I let myself get mad about them anymore.
Right before the Senate elections in 2009 the head of the GOP said, and I'm paraphrasing here but not by much, that if the Republicans gained majority in both the House and the Senate that they'd hold America hostage until public policy was let to revert back to the Bush Jr. era.
Thankfully they only achieved majority in the House and yet with just that small claim to victory they're keeping their word none the less.
As many pundits have said about the matter in the press of late, this isn't about partisan loyalties or tradition. Leadership is about what's good for the country. Unfortunately, when verbiage rings out from law makers the likes of which addresses their elected responsibilities from both sides of the aisle, the old truism remains as the one constant amid the partisan chaos that ensues. A nation divided can not stand.
We see that every day in headlines that describe how bad it is when ego and partisanism cleaves a country in twain. And the one's who suffer are the majority in both parties and all those unmentioned in between. The working class.
I'd love to see Obama address the House GOP and say, about the conflict that's now brewing about raising the debt ceiling, that while compromises are needed to be agreed upon and the GOP refuses to budge until their demands are met that when the deadline arrives the spending cuts needed to take us a few months down the line paying our military and our social security responsibilities, will be guaranteed because from midnight at the deadline of August 2nd the salary of every member of both the House and Senate will be frozen so that those programs, the military salaries and social security, can be paid. While all government funded perks to those members of those houses, such as private government funded transportation, will be indefinitely suspended, in order to cut costs.
I'd love to see the power take the hit rather than the people. But that would take balls and we've yet to see a President that has those when it comes to something like this. That's why they need to get a qualified woman in office to see if there is a pair out there, only found resting further north in a Victoria's Secret under wire.
Right before the Senate elections in 2009 the head of the GOP said, and I'm paraphrasing here but not by much, that if the Republicans gained majority in both the House and the Senate that they'd hold America hostage until public policy was let to revert back to the Bush Jr. era.
Thankfully they only achieved majority in the House and yet with just that small claim to victory they're keeping their word none the less.
As many pundits have said about the matter in the press of late, this isn't about partisan loyalties or tradition. Leadership is about what's good for the country. Unfortunately, when verbiage rings out from law makers the likes of which addresses their elected responsibilities from both sides of the aisle, the old truism remains as the one constant amid the partisan chaos that ensues. A nation divided can not stand.
We see that every day in headlines that describe how bad it is when ego and partisanism cleaves a country in twain. And the one's who suffer are the majority in both parties and all those unmentioned in between. The working class.
I'd love to see Obama address the House GOP and say, about the conflict that's now brewing about raising the debt ceiling, that while compromises are needed to be agreed upon and the GOP refuses to budge until their demands are met that when the deadline arrives the spending cuts needed to take us a few months down the line paying our military and our social security responsibilities, will be guaranteed because from midnight at the deadline of August 2nd the salary of every member of both the House and Senate will be frozen so that those programs, the military salaries and social security, can be paid. While all government funded perks to those members of those houses, such as private government funded transportation, will be indefinitely suspended, in order to cut costs.
I'd love to see the power take the hit rather than the people. But that would take balls and we've yet to see a President that has those when it comes to something like this. That's why they need to get a qualified woman in office to see if there is a pair out there, only found resting further north in a Victoria's Secret under wire.
"In life you can never be too kind or too fair; everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load. When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to all you meet, you leave behind a feeling of warmth and good cheer, and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with."
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy