(July 18, 2011 at 9:54 pm)Judas BentHer Wrote: Oh my, you are quite small indeed. You infer and thus it's my responsibility and so I am deserved of personal attacks. And now with links to support your feeling you have cause. That's rich. I must say.I'm small and yet you feel the need to keep responding. Who is insulting who now? The only personal attacks that I used were when I called you out on your bullshit. I think it is a good idea to call people on what they say, especially if they say it with an air of authority as you did. You continually insist that you claimed no authority, yet this is not to be found in any of your posts. No, instead you make assertion after assertion, claiming things about the security of Gmail, how hushmail.com is far more secure (despite your admission that you found it via a Google Search and had been using it a few weeks). The reason you needed to be called on what you said is simple: there are people who use Gmail on a daily basis, and they do not deserve to be scared into using some other email service when there is absolutely nothing wrong with the one they are already using.
Quote:You imagine you deconstructed my personal opinion that was prefaced by wording my remarks to the effect that I was no authority on the matter but was simply offering suggestions as does everyone else here. Must be a personal thing that's solely your responsibility. Do try not to take yourself so seriously. I haven't.You never made any preface about not being an authority. You simply spouted utter crap and expected people to believe it an panic. Judging by your attitude and your continued insistence that Google is the problem, I'm betting you still do want people to panic. I take security very seriously; security is very important. Which is why when a secure application like Gmail is compromised, I want to know by what method, and where the blame lies. In this case, there is no reason to jump to the conclusion (as you did) that this was done by some elite hacking team that took down the Gmail system. The more rational explanation is that someone guessed the password, which is a user problem, not a system problem. This is a common attack, and it doesn't say anything about the overall security of Gmail; there was no need to panic anyone as you attempted. So excuse me if I am serious about security, but it is my passion, and my choice of career.
Quote:Though I do admit to being amused that someone who claims to be such an intellectual can lower themselves to such behavior while still demonstrating a deficit in reading comprehension. Bravo. Truly.Again with the reading comprehension. Point out where you stated categorically that you were not an authority on the subject. I'm calling you out on that assertion too, because I've actually re-read all your posts, and not once do you make it clear that all you are doing is throwing ideas around, and that you may actually be completely and utterly wrong (which you are). All I see is someone misrepresenting the facts, and misunderstanding the technology.I'm finished paying you attention now. You may go.
Be a man and own up to your mistakes; there is no shame in admitting you were wrong about things, as long as you accept the fact and try to make amends for any panic you might have caused.