When Nebraska congress critter Lee Terry (and one other I can't recall the name) introduced a bill some years ago to legalize unlimited spam calls on everyone's cell phone it was like he had shoved his dick in a live light socket from all the negative reaction, and it still took the stoooopid fuck like over a week to finally pull the bill.
He claimed he just thought it was a good idea, but his persistence in pushing legislation condemned by 49 out of 50 states attorneys general belied his explanation. It was fucking obvious he was offered something pretty spectacular to push that piece of shit despite the ass reaming he was taking for it.
People all over Omaha were clamoring for his cell phone number to press home the point, but strangely, he wouldn't cough it up. We had to content ourselves with clogging his published office number with as much steaming abuse as we could muster.
He claimed he just thought it was a good idea, but his persistence in pushing legislation condemned by 49 out of 50 states attorneys general belied his explanation. It was fucking obvious he was offered something pretty spectacular to push that piece of shit despite the ass reaming he was taking for it.
People all over Omaha were clamoring for his cell phone number to press home the point, but strangely, he wouldn't cough it up. We had to content ourselves with clogging his published office number with as much steaming abuse as we could muster.
The granting of a pardon is an imputation of guilt, and the acceptance a confession of it.