Everyone goes on about how much of a bigot Pat Condell is. Would someone care to enlighten me? I haven't thus far heard anything Pat has said which I totally disagree with. Or any time have I heard him contradict himself.
I take Padraic's points, but I don't think Mr. Condell is wrong with what he's saying. He's not condoning some voilence and saying it's ok for other violence, seems pretty clear to me that he is talking about the recent norwegian attacks because it's relevant to this point in time and the premise of the video.
So Padraic if you'd like to clear up exactly what it is which makes Pat a bigot in this video then it would be great. Btw it's only natural he has to speak somewhat about Islam when the key pillar of belief for that murderer was a belief which Pat Condell shares. And I share. That Islam is evil. The only difference is, is that murderer somehow decides it's right to kill innocent people over it whereas Pat just makes Youtube videos.
Seriously people, anyone care to enlighten me as to why Pat Condell seems to have so many haters? What's the beef?
I take Padraic's points, but I don't think Mr. Condell is wrong with what he's saying. He's not condoning some voilence and saying it's ok for other violence, seems pretty clear to me that he is talking about the recent norwegian attacks because it's relevant to this point in time and the premise of the video.
So Padraic if you'd like to clear up exactly what it is which makes Pat a bigot in this video then it would be great. Btw it's only natural he has to speak somewhat about Islam when the key pillar of belief for that murderer was a belief which Pat Condell shares. And I share. That Islam is evil. The only difference is, is that murderer somehow decides it's right to kill innocent people over it whereas Pat just makes Youtube videos.
Seriously people, anyone care to enlighten me as to why Pat Condell seems to have so many haters? What's the beef?