My initial thought was that I'd rather have many people die painlessly that see one suffering a horrible death.
But what if i didn't have to watch? I don't think seeing someone die horribly and just knowing it's happened are even close.
So if i didn't have to watch I guess I'd choose the small amount of people to die horribly over the many dying painlessly.
This is quite selfish I guess, but I don't think I could stomach seeing someone tortured/killed slowly.
But like you, I think if it was a situation where one would happen and I had the option of intervening to prevent it, but cause the other, I don't think I could.
As for euthenasia, I think if the person, for example has a condition that causes chronic pain, they should definitely have the right to end their life. But if they were immobile, I don't think it would be right to ask, for example, a doctor to kill them. But a friend who agrees with their decision shouldn't be penalised by law, I think.
But what if an immobile person with chronic pain wanted to die, and they had no family or friends?
I don't really have an answer to that... instinctively I feel they should have the same right, but I don't think anyone should be made to excercise that right for them. Hmm.... any ideas?
Really, I think if someone wants to die, of course they have the right to and anyone assisting them shouldn't be punished.
Although this doesn't factor in considerations of mental illness, what if someone wants to die now, but with treatmeant, won't in the future?
Interesting, if slightly morbid
But what if i didn't have to watch? I don't think seeing someone die horribly and just knowing it's happened are even close.
So if i didn't have to watch I guess I'd choose the small amount of people to die horribly over the many dying painlessly.
This is quite selfish I guess, but I don't think I could stomach seeing someone tortured/killed slowly.
But like you, I think if it was a situation where one would happen and I had the option of intervening to prevent it, but cause the other, I don't think I could.
As for euthenasia, I think if the person, for example has a condition that causes chronic pain, they should definitely have the right to end their life. But if they were immobile, I don't think it would be right to ask, for example, a doctor to kill them. But a friend who agrees with their decision shouldn't be penalised by law, I think.
But what if an immobile person with chronic pain wanted to die, and they had no family or friends?
I don't really have an answer to that... instinctively I feel they should have the same right, but I don't think anyone should be made to excercise that right for them. Hmm.... any ideas?
Really, I think if someone wants to die, of course they have the right to and anyone assisting them shouldn't be punished.
Although this doesn't factor in considerations of mental illness, what if someone wants to die now, but with treatmeant, won't in the future?
Interesting, if slightly morbid

Galileo was a man of science oppressed by the irrational and superstitious. Today, he is used by the irrational and superstitious who claim they are being oppressed by science - Mark Crislip