Quote:Do you really think that were Cain to be given a dictatorial position tomorrow he'd start rounding up minorities and killing them? No? Then maybe you should show a little honesty and stop calling people Nazi's just because you disagree with their political position.
If they were muslims, he just might judging by his rhetoric. And he might not be too fond of atheists, either. But be that as it may, when I look at Lawrence Britt's 14 Points of Fascism and compare it to the platform of the republicolibertarianazis I don't see a whole hell of a lot of difference.
In case you forgot, Void, even Hitler did not run on a program of exterminating Jews in gas chambers. The idea came to him later....after he had been in power for a while.
It always seems to happen that way.
And, Pad.
Quote:Nappy, have you actually read the Q'uran?
What does that have to do with the price of beans? It's apparently poorly written enough - much like the bible - so that it can be made to say whatever any demagogue wants it to say. For whatever purpose.