(September 1, 2017 at 10:12 am)CatholicDefender Wrote: OK. You have defeated me.
I suppose it is true that a depressingly large percentage of the Catholic hierarchy either supported Hitler or quietly tolerated him. Practically zero condemned him outright, and when they did only for specific things, such as euthanasia or removing crucifixes from public schools. The latter bit makes me think the Nazis were somewhat like democrats.
I guess Hitler technically was a Catholic, albeit an extremely sinful and (I believe) cynical one.
I suppose I just asked the question because people seem to think that Catholicism and Catholics were intrinsically on his side. That was not the case.
There were plenty of devout people who were opposed to him as Im sure you'd know.
such as this
3. and of course the inspiration for James Ryan of S aving Private Ryan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niland_brothers
You sick fuck, when you cant flat out get away with painting Hitler as an atheist, you resort to equating Nazis as democrats. NO YOU ASSHOLE, the Nazis were far right wing monochromatic fascists. Western pluralism is what democrats defend. Democrats hate Hitler just as much as we hate the monocromatic race based politics of North Korea.
I am sick of this shit from religious people that liberals are the problem. Hitler was not a liberal one fucking bit. He was an evil monster who promoted race based nationalism and used religion to create a one party fascist state. And again, no different than the Castro family creating it's one party state by convincing a MAJORITY CATHOLIC population to support him.
RELIGION and authoritarianism are compatible and WW2 Germany, and Castro's Cuba and Saudi Arabia are all examples of states that mix religion with authoritarianism.
What open societies do, is protect everyone through common law, by not favoring one party or one religion over all others.
Please knock it off with your horrible logic.
1. Liberals are not anti pluralism.
2. "Atheist" does not equal valuing dictators.
Hitler had help from the religious both churches and the population in general. Nobody is claiming all, but a majority did even if not all.
Just like the Castro family got support from it's majority Catholic population.
Dictators don't silence religion, they silence dissent no matter where it comes from. Dictators will tolerate religion if those people tow the party line. It is about POWER, not religion. Religion is a great tool to prey upon people to gain support. In a open free society, we keep checks on all sectors of society, to prevent monopolies of power.