Shopping for new clothes. I hate it with a red-hot passion. Occasionally I pop into a discount chain to pick up new socks and underwear, and I'm not unduly pleased about having to do that either. Start babbling to me about outlet stores and designer brands, expect a face-palm.
Cable TV. (No, young man, I'm not interested in upgrading my cable service to add a TV package, and I don't care that it's "only" 19.95 for the first 6 months. I. Don't. Watch. TV. Nobody in this household watches TV. But as long as you're here annoying me on the phone, could I persuade you to give me a $30 discount on my Internet service?)
Bleu cheese. That stuff tastes unpleasantly weird, even in tiny quantities, and it doesn't help that I have a mould allergy. Never try to cultivate a taste for something that might require an EpiPen as one of the dining utensils.
Oysters. Seriously, why? Smoked oysters in particular I view as Death In A Can.
Cable TV. (No, young man, I'm not interested in upgrading my cable service to add a TV package, and I don't care that it's "only" 19.95 for the first 6 months. I. Don't. Watch. TV. Nobody in this household watches TV. But as long as you're here annoying me on the phone, could I persuade you to give me a $30 discount on my Internet service?)
Bleu cheese. That stuff tastes unpleasantly weird, even in tiny quantities, and it doesn't help that I have a mould allergy. Never try to cultivate a taste for something that might require an EpiPen as one of the dining utensils.
Oysters. Seriously, why? Smoked oysters in particular I view as Death In A Can.