(September 18, 2017 at 3:56 pm)Secular Elf Wrote: I watched the first episode, Deja Vu, of the The Viet Nam War last night. I found it very interesting, I learned some deeper things about the origins of the conflict that I did not know before, such as the French occupation of Indo-China starting in 1858. Ken Burns work has always impressed me, very well done. What did any of you think of it if you watched it?
The only war in the 20th century I can look back and justify was WW2. America's policies since seem to get us stuck in quagmires and simply play into the profitable economics of the global weapons industry which sell to both friend and foe.
I watched some of it too. And to see the North Nam soldiers speak of their fears and family like we do ours, constantly confirms what I have accepted for a long time, we are not a separate species.
It does not mean I agree with one party states, it merely means we are still ultimately the same species.
The west would like to think it does not have a dominionist attitude, but it does, on par with the middle east's attitude that Islam will be the cure for the world.
Ultimately, until humans face the fact it isn't about ideology, but control of resources, our species will keep letting our respective powers divide us.