Rayaan Wrote:it is quite rare thing to see a Muslim woman covering her entire face these days (especially in many western countries).In my home town of Leicester it's a very common sight to see women fully covered; and men in full robes with head cap - and this is just shopping in town. It didn't used to be so until they hit a level of population. Leicester has areas of the city demarked with Muslim symbols (Ironwork arches at the ends of roads) and Mosques are allowed to broadcast the calls to prayer publically.
You've said the above before Rayaan, but failed to respond to the point that although Muslims can interpret the Quran as you do there is also no valid objection to them interpreting it to mean kill everyone that doesn't agree. whereas other religions flatly state that to be abhorent... it's a perfectly justifiable intepretation of Islam, practiced by many correct Muslims. As a westerner you are influenced by secular westernism, which colours your interpretation to allow you to justify Islam.
Fact is Muslims did slaughter the pagans on Allah's instruction for not converting to Islam.
In the UK we have Sharia Law courts: restricted at the moment by UK law and restricted by the requirement of consent by the accused. Trouble with that is Islamic women are put under immense pressure to submit to these courts. They really don't have a choice. What we currently regard as freedoms are severely restricted under Islamic law. Islam legislates against immoral behaviour, effectively removing choice. Steal and you get your hands cut off. Etc..
Rayaan Wrote:an Islamic state is not allowed to fight non-Muslims who are not hostile to Islam, who do not oppress Muslims, or try to convert Muslims by force from their religion, or expel them from their lands, or wage war against them, or prepare for attacks against them. If any of these offenses occurs, however, Muslims are permitted to defend themselves and protect their religion in whichever way they think is the method to end the conflict and bitterness. These are the circumstances in which 'fighting' is a permissible thing.You can be an atheist but you better not let anyone know or killing you is permissable - is what that means. (same as any non Islamic stand point). Freedom of speech is outlawed <--- this is not civilized in my opinion.