In 2017 the USN will have 221 admirals of various ranks and that will rise to 225 in 2018.
that 274 ships contains a fair number of support ships and the navy also counts as "commissioned" the square-rigged tourist attraction in Boston Harbor, the USS Constitution.
Does every ship need its own admiral? Or are we watching "grade-creep" in action?
In 2017 the USN will have 221 admirals of various ranks and that will rise to 225 in 2018.
Quote:The Navy currently sails 274 vessels as part of its battle force fleet, up from 271 the previous year but still well below both the Navy’s fleet goal
that 274 ships contains a fair number of support ships and the navy also counts as "commissioned" the square-rigged tourist attraction in Boston Harbor, the USS Constitution.
Does every ship need its own admiral? Or are we watching "grade-creep" in action?