Well, to understand Hagee just remember Perry. And...it's Texas.
I was surfing cable one Sunday and actually saw this live sermon, which I had to stop and watch because he mentioned poverty first thing as I arrived at the channel.
John Hagee to Vets, Welfare Mothers & Children: "STARVE!" This is a Young Turks excerpt feature of Hagee's insanity. Hagee's sermon on this title/topic was removed from You Tube because he didn't want it out there for everyone to hear. (Removed from You Tube by 3rd Party.)
The bastard is rich! Of course he hates poor people, unless he's begging them to throw money in his offering plate.
Live Leak- Pastor Hagee: The Anti-Christ Is Gay, "Partially Jewish, as was Adolph Hitler" March 2003
Senator Lieberman, a Liberal, accompanied Insane McCain during his Presidential run on the road, so as to keep JM's marbles straight in the bag so he didn't show how mentally infirm he was to his Republican constituents just 5 years after this praise for Hagee, like Moses himself, speech.
Why is it that the extremist nut bags spouting insane god rhetoric from the pulpit, toward the American political circles they influence, are always Republicans?
Why is it we never see Liberals, who want more government control over people, just as or more so, insane as are the GOP whacks? (Except for Lieberman of course) It's not like Democrats aren't religious. Maybe they keep their psycho-god talk under their sleeves and let it pour out when they sign bills into law and expect us to take control of capital spending so that we the working class have to live with the change.
I was surfing cable one Sunday and actually saw this live sermon, which I had to stop and watch because he mentioned poverty first thing as I arrived at the channel.
John Hagee to Vets, Welfare Mothers & Children: "STARVE!" This is a Young Turks excerpt feature of Hagee's insanity. Hagee's sermon on this title/topic was removed from You Tube because he didn't want it out there for everyone to hear. (Removed from You Tube by 3rd Party.)
The bastard is rich! Of course he hates poor people, unless he's begging them to throw money in his offering plate.
Live Leak- Pastor Hagee: The Anti-Christ Is Gay, "Partially Jewish, as was Adolph Hitler" March 2003
Senator Lieberman, a Liberal, accompanied Insane McCain during his Presidential run on the road, so as to keep JM's marbles straight in the bag so he didn't show how mentally infirm he was to his Republican constituents just 5 years after this praise for Hagee, like Moses himself, speech.
Why is it that the extremist nut bags spouting insane god rhetoric from the pulpit, toward the American political circles they influence, are always Republicans?
Why is it we never see Liberals, who want more government control over people, just as or more so, insane as are the GOP whacks? (Except for Lieberman of course) It's not like Democrats aren't religious. Maybe they keep their psycho-god talk under their sleeves and let it pour out when they sign bills into law and expect us to take control of capital spending so that we the working class have to live with the change.
"In life you can never be too kind or too fair; everyone you meet is carrying a heavy load. When you go through your day expressing kindness and courtesy to all you meet, you leave behind a feeling of warmth and good cheer, and you help alleviate the burdens everyone is struggling with."
Brian Tracy
Brian Tracy