When you see a masterpiece, you know there is an Artist behind it. The whole thing comes together and there is no doubt about a designer.
Aside from the absurd evolution theory that has been dis-proven in many ways, is the over all masterpiece we are in.
Aside from the design, is "who" we are, which is defined by a perfect absolute judge who gives us exact measurement and makes inherit our deeds justly and values us accordingly to our specific situation and judges with perfect light, mainly, the light of himself who is the perfect perception and the perfectly witnessed by himself and no one truly witnesses God in full except himself, while we all witness him witnessing us and emanating his light to us whether we like it or not, whether we acknowledge or not.
Aside from the absurd evolution theory that has been dis-proven in many ways, is the over all masterpiece we are in.
Aside from the design, is "who" we are, which is defined by a perfect absolute judge who gives us exact measurement and makes inherit our deeds justly and values us accordingly to our specific situation and judges with perfect light, mainly, the light of himself who is the perfect perception and the perfectly witnessed by himself and no one truly witnesses God in full except himself, while we all witness him witnessing us and emanating his light to us whether we like it or not, whether we acknowledge or not.