I guess this is partly a function of my age (58). I don't think of physical pleasures like young sexual experiences but instances of enlightenment - moments when I felt I had a particularly accurate understanding of the universe. In the parlance of theists: spiritual experiences.
I wish there was a better word for it but most atheists have felt a profound experience where they comprehend (as well as we can) the scale of the universe and realize how tiny we are. But at the same time, we recognize the vastness and realize that we have at least a small ability to comprehend it.
At the present, we are nothing but big-brained animals but although our intelligence is limited, it is sufficient for us to advance ourselves. Unlike lesser animals, we can in theory, increase our own ability to understand. I don't know what limits there may be to our own mental expansion but surely it is way beyond where we are now.
Perhaps more than any other post of mine, this one reflects what is as close to a "faith" as atheists get: Secular Humanism. I believe we are capable of expanding WAY beyond where we are now by our own hand. This is based on our best current understanding of physics. We should be able to expand our own intelligence.
That gives me pleasure, the thought that we are destined for greatness, far beyond what we are now.
Compared to future humans, we who understand this are like "Dennis" who never voted for King Arthur.
I wish there was a better word for it but most atheists have felt a profound experience where they comprehend (as well as we can) the scale of the universe and realize how tiny we are. But at the same time, we recognize the vastness and realize that we have at least a small ability to comprehend it.
At the present, we are nothing but big-brained animals but although our intelligence is limited, it is sufficient for us to advance ourselves. Unlike lesser animals, we can in theory, increase our own ability to understand. I don't know what limits there may be to our own mental expansion but surely it is way beyond where we are now.
Perhaps more than any other post of mine, this one reflects what is as close to a "faith" as atheists get: Secular Humanism. I believe we are capable of expanding WAY beyond where we are now by our own hand. This is based on our best current understanding of physics. We should be able to expand our own intelligence.
That gives me pleasure, the thought that we are destined for greatness, far beyond what we are now.
Compared to future humans, we who understand this are like "Dennis" who never voted for King Arthur.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein