It should be noted, also, that cargo-cult coders usually don't get jobs, and if they do, don't advance very far....
Even with web programming, and the glut of frameworks available, you still need to learn how to write custom code, how to test, debug, maintain, extend all of it.
If any of this is interfering with your school work, by all means, focus on that. It should be your top priority. But, if you're interested in programming as a profession, especially if you want to get into game programming, you'll need to learn concepts like:
Polymorphism (is-a relationships, the benefits of interfaces and abstract classes, etc.)
Composition (why it's preferable to inheritance, how it facilitates polymorphism)
Events (Observer pattern - publish/subscribe)
Other basic patterns (Factory, Facade, etc... pretty much all of the Gang of Four)
Even with web programming, and the glut of frameworks available, you still need to learn how to write custom code, how to test, debug, maintain, extend all of it.
If any of this is interfering with your school work, by all means, focus on that. It should be your top priority. But, if you're interested in programming as a profession, especially if you want to get into game programming, you'll need to learn concepts like:
Polymorphism (is-a relationships, the benefits of interfaces and abstract classes, etc.)
Composition (why it's preferable to inheritance, how it facilitates polymorphism)
Events (Observer pattern - publish/subscribe)
Other basic patterns (Factory, Facade, etc... pretty much all of the Gang of Four)