(February 6, 2018 at 5:38 pm)AtlasS33 Wrote: I have stumbled upon these remarkable details regarding "Hell"; and I think I have an imaginary scientific illustration of it.
Note; that this post is literally a group of verses from the Quran; along with the scientific expectations of the future of earth.
Let's begin.
-The Awakening:
Humans will go extinct, according to this verse:
Quote:Sura 39, The Quran:
( 68 ) And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on.
If any humans survived until the moment of "the blowing of the horn", they will meet the end of their lives when it happens.
After the first blow, a second blow will take place; and people shall be once more.
Quote:Sura 50, The Quran:
( 20 ) And the Horn will be blown. That is the Day of [carrying out] the threat.
( 21 ) And every soul will come, with it a driver and a witness.
( 22 ) [It will be said], "You were certainly in unmindfulness of this, and We have removed from you your cover, so your sight, this Day, is sharp."
We will be judged for our deeds. Trialed; for every bit of action we commit once, every word, every look. The judgment day is described by God in the Quran to be "a day that makes the children's hair go grey".
All humanity will kneel in Hell. But wait a second: how did we jump from the above line, to hell?
The kneeling of humanity in hell:
Quote:Sura 19, The Quran:
( 68 ) So by your Lord, We will surely gather them and the devils; then We will bring them to be present around Hell upon their knees.
( 69 ) Then We will surely extract from every sect those of them who were worst against the Most Merciful in insolence.
( 70 ) Then, surely it is We who are most knowing of those most worthy of burning therein.
( 71 ) And there is none of you except he will come to it. This is upon your Lord an inevitability decreed.
( 72 ) Then We will save those who feared Allah and leave the wrongdoers within it, on their knees.
We didn't jump. We are already standing in hell.
The Sun will turn into a Red Giant (see the wikipedia article); and it will turn earth into a scorched piece of rock until it eats it.
We are resurrected on earth. We will kneel on earth. But in that day; it's nothing but a piece of rock being cooked by hell.
God describes hell to fuel on "rocks" and "man". Both work as fuel for it:
Quote:Sura 2, The Quran:
( 23 ) And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful.
( 24 ) But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.
Red Giants fuel on other planets, and any material suitable to be fuel -like people-. When the fuel of the dying star end; it turns into a black hole -scientifically; the mass of the dying star must be big; bigger than the sun to turn into a black hole-.
God described the stay of the guests of hell, to last for "eras":
Quote:Sura 78, The Quran:
( 18 ) The Day the Horn is blown and you will come forth in multitudes
( 19 ) And the heaven is opened and will become gateways
( 20 ) And the mountains are removed and will be [but] a mirage.
( 21 ) Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait
( 22 ) For the transgressors, a place of return,
( 23 ) In which they will remain for ages.
( 24 ) They will not taste therein [any] coolness or drink
( 25 ) Except scalding water and [foul] purulence -
( 26 ) An appropriate recompense.
We know that water exists on earth. We know that lava exists on earth; too.
Ancient Arabs used the word "water" to describe any type of liquid. Maybe the water of hell's inhabitants is lava?
According to these verse,humanity would kneel in hell, then God will save those who did good deeds in their past life and believed in him.
If a non-believer chose life on earth over life in heaven; then they deserve to stay on earth; in the good and the bad. The bad is it being sucked by a red giant.
Then this verse will make total sense:
Quote:Sura 36, The Quran:The accuracy of the events is staggering. Especially the sucking of earth by hell.
God says:
( 60 ) Did I not enjoin upon you, O children of Adam, that you not worship Satan - [for] indeed, he is to you a clear enemy -
( 61 ) And that you worship [only] Me? This is a straight path.
( 62 ) And he had already led astray from among you much of creation, so did you not use reason?
( 63 ) This is the Hellfire which you were promised.
( 64 ) [Enter to] burn therein today for what you used to deny."
( 65 ) That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn.
( 66 ) And if We willed, We could have obliterated their eyes, and they would race to [find] the path, and how could they see?
( 67 ) And if We willed, We could have deformed them, [paralyzing them] in their places so they would not be able to proceed, nor could they return.
( 68 ) And he to whom We grant long life We reverse in creation; so will they not understand?
Just like a red giant would suck earth.
Hell is islam.