(February 16, 2018 at 9:52 am)emjay Wrote:Nope i have no control . but it's lucid in just how real it feels.(February 16, 2018 at 9:38 am)Tizheruk Wrote: I use to have those when i was a kid it was always the same dream . I'm on the tundra . It's the middle of the night and it's pitch black .Black as black can be . And i look out into the blackness and i see a Hare pure white and glowing like a full moon . I chase the Hare and it runs faster and faster i can't catch it . But i keep chasing it . Then as we run i start to see forms in the blackness tall tree like and i start to hear throat singing . But it's raspy like like paper being rubbed together . But i continue to chase the hare . But as i run the forms become more and more visible . They have faces bone white mask like faces and the singing gets louder and louder and the forms get taller and taller. I keep running and running then i see something over horizon . A small red sliver of light . I chase the hare towards it then the light greats brighter and brighter then i realize it's the moon a bright bloody red moon eerie and omenince and far to big .And the hare and i run toward it . And as we do it gets colder and colder . Soon it feels like i'm being frozen alive the dream stops .
Did you have control in that dream? I've never been entirely sure what the 'lucid' in lucid dreaming refers to... whether it just refers to the vividness of the dream, or the state of conscious control you have over it. Vivid dreams that feel real are cool, but the real buzz of lucid dreams is the control you have... where you can just say/think 'I'm bored here, I wanna go somewhere else' and you just will whatever you want and it becomes.
Seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy -- myself.
Inuit Proverb
Inuit Proverb