This pedophile activity continues as religious organizations continue to harbour these despicable pathetic criminals. Where is their all knowing god in this? Does he cheer them on when they are molesting inocent young children. Are these priests not supposed to have a red phone to their god? Why does their god not step in and stop it. Of course there are only two answers to these questions. Either there is no god or god is a pedophile.
Religious folks will say that pedophiles exist outside the church as well and of course that is true. However in the public pedophiles when found are prosecuted. Why are pedophile rates typically higher in church organizatizations then the public in general. If their was a god you would expect rates in religious organizations to be non existant.
Another awful thing about fairytale religions.
Religious folks will say that pedophiles exist outside the church as well and of course that is true. However in the public pedophiles when found are prosecuted. Why are pedophile rates typically higher in church organizatizations then the public in general. If their was a god you would expect rates in religious organizations to be non existant.
Another awful thing about fairytale religions.