The thing that changed me the most was undoubtedly my divorce. After being with the same person for many years, submerged in his goals and dreams, I came up for air and decided to pursue my own life. It was initially terrifying, but in the end it was a major win and I have no regrets.
In a strong second place is when I discovered the intense joy of playing in a large concert band. Am now into my eighth year. It's hard to describe what happens to me mentally when I sit down to rehearse or perform, but the teamwork and coordination and camaraderie are a de facto spiritual experience for me.
In a strong second place is when I discovered the intense joy of playing in a large concert band. Am now into my eighth year. It's hard to describe what happens to me mentally when I sit down to rehearse or perform, but the teamwork and coordination and camaraderie are a de facto spiritual experience for me.