Will be posting words and reflections regarding the family of the reminder:
The killer of Ali was one of those Jinn Worshippers who pretended to be Muslim and pious just as Yazeed was a Jinn Worshiper. It might be convenient to say he was an extremist and what not, and easier to say Yazeed was greedy, etc, but, in time, the enemies who conspired against Ahlulbayt and today make themselves champions of explaining the Quran and Sunnah, will be exposed as well. They are here. And Suratal Tahreem exposes a plot against the Nabi that is anything but easy for a believer to read and not be distressed by. Hypocrites on the other hand will look to make excuses and turn a blind eye to his enemies.
The killer of Ali was one of those Jinn Worshippers who pretended to be Muslim and pious just as Yazeed was a Jinn Worshiper. It might be convenient to say he was an extremist and what not, and easier to say Yazeed was greedy, etc, but, in time, the enemies who conspired against Ahlulbayt and today make themselves champions of explaining the Quran and Sunnah, will be exposed as well. They are here. And Suratal Tahreem exposes a plot against the Nabi that is anything but easy for a believer to read and not be distressed by. Hypocrites on the other hand will look to make excuses and turn a blind eye to his enemies.