Do you pee in the shower: No
Do you like the smell of your own farts: No
Do you look back at what you tripped over so that observers will know it wasn't your fault: No
Do you sleep on your back, front or side : Side
What's your favourite non-food smell (apart from your own farts): Skittles Candle
Would you sleep with Little Lunch: I don't know.
Do you know how a car engine works : No
Are you more smart or more funny or just great in general : Fucking Awesome
What's your favourite omelette ingredients : Hate Omelettes
What's your favourite pick up line: "Are you an interstate highway, baby? Cause I want to go 69."
What's your Chinese Zodiac sign : Rooster
Why is a duck: Goose.
If the name of your first pet was your first name and the name of your street of birth was your last name, what is your porn star name : Never had a pet Maiden
Would you ever use the word 'cunt' in a sentence: Yes
What would you prefer to drink ~ wine, beer or spirits : Tequila
What's your illicit drug of choice : Ecstasy
Have you ever driven a tractor : No
Have you ever driven a tractor off road whilst drunk just to get within walking distance of the pub : No
What's your bank account details: Account number 90F1_1CKY01_1R531F at the Bank of Nigerian Princes.
Do you like the smell of your own farts: No
Do you look back at what you tripped over so that observers will know it wasn't your fault: No
Do you sleep on your back, front or side : Side
What's your favourite non-food smell (apart from your own farts): Skittles Candle
Would you sleep with Little Lunch: I don't know.
Do you know how a car engine works : No
Are you more smart or more funny or just great in general : Fucking Awesome
What's your favourite omelette ingredients : Hate Omelettes
What's your favourite pick up line: "Are you an interstate highway, baby? Cause I want to go 69."
What's your Chinese Zodiac sign : Rooster
Why is a duck: Goose.
If the name of your first pet was your first name and the name of your street of birth was your last name, what is your porn star name : Never had a pet Maiden
Would you ever use the word 'cunt' in a sentence: Yes
What would you prefer to drink ~ wine, beer or spirits : Tequila
What's your illicit drug of choice : Ecstasy
Have you ever driven a tractor : No
Have you ever driven a tractor off road whilst drunk just to get within walking distance of the pub : No
What's your bank account details: Account number 90F1_1CKY01_1R531F at the Bank of Nigerian Princes.
"Tradition" is just a word people use to make themselves feel better about being an asshole.