(October 8, 2018 at 10:12 pm)MysticKnight Wrote: [Word Salad]
2. If we have the burden proof, you have the burden to accept the proof if proven to you or show that the burden has not been met.
[More Word Salad]
Re this part in particular:
you are 100% correct. The burden of proof lies with theists, and if you can prove it we WILL accept, that's how science works. The problem is, theists have NO proof other than a book which is as credible as literally every other book on the planet.
Outside the world of your book: the contents make no sense what so ever, its full of translation errors, full of various contradictions, ALSO is full of just TERRIBLE STUFF (Genocide, rape, baby killing, incest......) and otherwise is full of so much utter garbage that has been out right edited/added to over the years [of which there is proof for], it's mind boggling how anybody worth their salt can consider this anything other than total fiction of the worst standard.
The Scientific method is were you can say "this is how I prove this, try it yourself", and when people reproduce/verify what has been done, in controlled environments, it is accepted as fact. As you can't do this with anything in the bible, AT ALL, and nobody has ever been able to do so (Resurrection? It's 100% never happened. Earth/the universe created in 7 days? how can it be 7 days when on the first "day" he created the sun? That's not how days work. I really could go on...) there is zero evidence and is total bull shit.
Until you can actually prove otherwise, I may as well believe that Spider-man is real, because I have a few books with him in.
"Be Excellent To Each Other"